Drew Gooden谈07骑士:我们是LBJ带进总冠的球队中最没天赋的
LeBron James has a career record of 4-6 in the NBA Finals, and while many use th
at as a knock against him, there are others that staunchly defend that record.
The primary reason why some believe that record is actually quite impressive is
because James managed to take some pretty mediocre rosters to the Finals. In fac
t, one of James’ former Cleveland Cavaliers teammates, Drew Gooden, recently ex
pressed his belief that the 2006-07 Cavs squad was the “least talented group”
James ever took to the Finals.
进总冠军赛。事实上,LBJ在克里夫兰骑士队的前队友Drew Gooden最近表示,他相信2006-0
“I think they might be halfway right on that one,” Gooden when asked by a TMZ
reporter about the flack that roster has received over the years. “The reason w
hy, I ain’t gon’ say scrubs, but you know what, I just want that to glorify ho
w raw and talented LeBron James was at that age.”
Then after a bit of back-and-forth conversation, Gooden put his stance in no unc
ertain terms.
“We were the least talented group that he led to the Finals,” he said.
Looking back at the roster from that 2006-07 season, there is no doubt that Jame
s was not surrounded by players who would have likely otherwise advanced all the
way to an NBA Finals appearance. After James, who averaged 27.3 points, 6.7 reb
ounds, 6.0 assists and 1.6 steals per game that season, the second-leading score
r on the team was Larry Hughes with 14.9 points per game.
y Hughes,场均14.9分。
The frontcourt of that team was led by Gooden himself and Zydrunas Ilgauskas. Ot
her names that Cavs fans will remember, but perhaps fans of other NBA teams have
long forgotten, include Anderson Varejao, Eric Snow, Sasha Pavlovic and Damon J
球队的前场由Gooden本人和Zydrunas Ilgauskas领衔。其他一些骑士球迷还记得,但其他NB
A球队的球迷可能早就忘记了的球员,包括Anderson Varejao、Eric Snow、Sasha Pavlovic
和Damon Jones。
It’s definitely not a very talented bunch, and while the Cavs were dominated in
the 2007 NBA Finals by San Antonio Spurs, the fact that James was able to take
that team to the Finals at all should be considered a very impressive feat.