[情报] 老鹰原运营总裁转顾问,Landry Fields接管其工作

楼主: sezna (sezna)   2022-12-21 23:45:43
ESPN Sources: After six seasons, Atlanta's President of Basketball Operations Tr
avis Schlenk is moving into a senior advisory role. GM Landry Fields will overse
e basketball operations. Schlenk's acquired significant talent, including Trae Y
oung and reached Eastern finals in 2021.
老鹰队六年里选到吹杨,帮老鹰打进东决的原运营总裁Schlenk转任高级顾问。 他的工作由
Landry Fields接管。
作者: LandryFields (LandryFields)   2022-12-22 03:00:00

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