[外絮] 阿银:5年内没看到女总教练,会非常失望

楼主: jefflin0824 (kobelover)   2022-12-16 17:20:01
NBA commissioner Adam Silver says the league is long overdue for a female head c
oach ... admitting he'd be "hugely disappointed" if it doesn't happen within the
next 5 years.
NBA总裁Adam Silver表示,联盟早该有一位女性总教练了。他承认,如果在未来5年内没有
The commish made his intentions known in an interview with Bonnie Bernstein on t
he NCAA's "College Sports Conversations - Title IX at 50" podcast this week ...
admitting the Association needs to improve at including women in coaching roles.
Silver在本周 NCAA 的一档Podcast节目中,接受Bonnie Bernstein的采访时表达了看法。
"Progress isn't happening as fast as I'd like to see," Silver said.
"In jobs that aren't about how high you can jump, or how strong you are or how t
all you are, things should be completely equal."
Of course, ex-WNBA star Becky Hammon reportedly came close to being the first wo
man to lead an NBA bench
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O4O 现在要这样情勒哦 55555
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