[外絮] KI的12年职业生涯换过9位总教练

楼主: arod1414 (万夫莫敌蒋智贤)   2022-11-02 08:45:53
Throughout the course of his career, Kyrie Irving has been on a number of differ
ent teams, with controversies at almost every stop. On virtually every team, Kyr
ie Irving has had multiple head coaches. In fact, he has 9 different head coache
s in only 12 seasons of play. The head coaches featured Byron Scott (2011-13), M
ike Brown (2013-14), David Blatt (2014-2016), and Tyronn Lue (2016-17) from his
time on the Cavaliers. From his tenure with the Boston Celtics, he had Brad Stev
ens (2017-19), and on the Brooklyn Nets, he's had Kenny Atkinson (2019-20), Jacq
ue Vaughn (2020), Steve Nash (2020-22), and now the next head coach of the Nets,
whoever it may end up being.
KI都有过多位总教练。事实上,他在12个赛季里换了9位总教练。这些总教练分别是Byron S
cott(2011-13赛季)、Mike Brown (2013-14赛季)、David Blatt(2014-2016赛季)和Tyronn
Lue(2016-17赛季),他们都是骑士时期的总教练。在为波士顿塞尔提克效力期间,有Brad S
tevens(2017-19赛季),在布鲁克林篮网队,有Kenny Atkinson(2019-20赛季),Jacque Vau
ghn(2020年),Steve Nash(2020-22赛季)。
During Kyrie Irving's time with the Brooklyn Nets, the team has already fired tw
o head coaches, Kenny Atkinson and Steve Nash. There were previous reports about
Kyrie Irving hating Steve Nash, though it is unclear if he played a part in his
recent firing.
在KI效力布鲁克林篮网队期间,球队已经解雇了两位总教练,Kenny Atkinson和Steve Nash
。先前有报导称KI讨厌Steve Nash,但目前尚不清楚KI是否与Nash最近被解雇有关。
It was recently reported that the Brooklyn Nets plan on hiring Ime Udoka for the
ir head coaching vacancy. We will see if the coach is able to develop a rapport
with Kyrie Irving, and that will absolutely be key to the Nets' success this sea
最近有报导称,布鲁克林篮网计划聘请Ime Udoka来补总教练空缺。我们将拭目以待这位教
作者: Barbarian123 (空白)   2022-11-02 08:48:00
作者: aa01081008tw   2022-11-02 08:59:00
作者: alittleghost (littleghost)   2022-11-02 09:27:00
作者: RandyPerseus (France_RT)   2022-11-02 10:22:00
作者: dontdoitbaby (ANACONDAS)   2022-11-02 10:37:00
KI:不用教练 KD跟KI就能够带队了
作者: stevetsao123 (小曹)   2022-11-02 10:43:00
LBJ骑士换教练直接拿冠耶 嘴这个是不是嘴错了
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow)   2022-11-02 11:21:00
KI在篮网时期才有话语权吧 骑士时期也不是他说换就换 他那时还那么菜
作者: sampsonlu919 (欢迎所有球队教训旧金山)   2022-11-02 12:59:00
BS、麦布朗与KI合作都没晋级季后赛 就算最大锅是教练与总管要负责 但跟KI也有不小关系阿
作者: Aequanimitas (Paranoia)   2022-11-02 17:10:00

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