See below for Part 3 of the 2022-23 Points of Education video (narrated by
SVP, Head of Referee Development and Training Monty McCutchen), which
provides examples and guidance regarding Bench Conduct and Respect For The
Beginning this season, Bench Conduct guidelines will result in officials
assessing technical fouls if:
- A player who is not in the game stands on the court during live play
- Players or assistant coaches attempt to overtly distract an opponent
- 球赛进行中, 非场上球员踏入场中
- 球员或助教于场边试图干扰对手
Bench Conduct guidelines also state that bench players and/or assistant
coaches standing in front of their benches for an extended period of time
during live play constitutes a violation, for which officials will assess the
appropriate penalty.
Officials will:
- First issue a warning to the bench for prolonged standing
- Assess a Delay of Game warning if violation occurs again
- Assess a second Delay of Game (resulting in a technical foul) for each
additional occurrence of prolonged standing
此行为也构成违规, 裁判将给予适当处罚
再犯将给予延迟比赛 (Delay Game)
如有再犯将给予第二次延迟比赛, 等同于一次技术犯规
Bench players and/or assistant coaches will not be penalized for
spontaneously standing to celebrate plays; however, they must then sit back
down on the bench in a reasonable amount of time.