XXXaBg (对的事情做一千次)
2022-09-10 03:51:50https://twitter.com/shamscharania/status/1568325768496685059?s=46
Current framework of NBA In Season Tournament as soon as 2023-24, per sources:
- Cup games through November
- 8 teams advance to single-elimination Final in December; other 22 continue w
ith regular season
- All games part of normal 82-game schedule; one extra for two Final teams
The NBA and NBPA are still working to finalize the In Season Tournament concep
t, which includes to-be-determined prizes for the eight teams that advance to
the single-elimination round, sources said.
- 通过11月的杯赛
- 8支球队在12月时进行单败淘汰制的比赛,剩余22支球队则照常进行例行赛
- 除了进入季中杯决赛的2队会多打1场,其他球队照常打82场例行赛
NBA与NBPA 依然在努力敲定季中锦标赛的概念,其中包括晋级单败淘汰赛制的8支球队所