BREAKING: Vanessa Bryant has won her lawsuit against L.A. County after
deputies shared gruesome photos from the Kobe crash site.
The jury awarded Bryant $16 million. Chris Chester, who lost his daughter and
wife in the helicopter crash, was awarded $15 million.
Vanessa Bryant 先前针对于洛杉矶警方私自外流Kobe事故现场照片提起诉讼
至于另外一位受害家属 Chris Chester 则是拿到1500万
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow) 2022-08-25 08:25:00
事件太大吧? 不然很难想象会陪两笔加起来3100万镁我是完全无法想像台湾警方会因为什么事赔民众快10亿台币啦