Ric Bucher: “[Nets governor] Joe Tsai has already shown he’s willing to play hardball with Kyrie by taking a max extension off the table almost immediately,” Bucher said. “Now, part of that may be Kyrie’s doing. I’m told he wanted his new contract to guarantee he wouldn’t have to play more than 60 games in a season and would not have to play any back-to-backs, which he apparently referred to as inhumane.” 篮网老板蔡崇信,在日前取消最大合约此一举动上, 已经展示了他对于 Kyrie 续约一事愿意采取十分强硬的态度。 我被告知: KI 想要他的新合约保证,他每个赛季不用出赛超过60场比赛。 并且不用出战任何背靠背比赛,他认为这种安排是非常不人道的。 哇狂耶... 球员权益现在已经膨胀到这个层次了吗