[花边] 追梦:以98年公牛打球风格 17勇可以赢

楼主: mingonly (想要告诉你!)   2022-07-25 11:01:50
追梦:以98年公牛打球风格 17勇可以赢双位数
Question… When they be comparing Era’s are they taking into consideration the
drastic differences In style of play? Regardless of the answer, it’s very dumb
to compare one era to the next era.
一个问题……当人们在对比不同时代的球队时,他们会考虑双方巨大的球风差距吗? 不论
I’m watching the 98 Bulls vs Utah in the Finals… I can’t help but notice our
2017 team would’ve beaten these Bulls by a dub and these Jazz by 40 if they’re
going to play these brands of basketball. And that’s why it’s dumb to compare
我在看98年公牛对爵士的总决赛。 我忍不住想,如果以他们打这种风格的篮球,17年的我
们会以双位数优势击败公牛、赢爵士40分。 这就是对比不同时代是愚蠢的的原因。
This game is being played from the free throw line and in.occasionally stepping
out to the 3.
Learn to appreciate things for what they are. Analyze the game. And stop the unn
ecessary debating.
Yours Truly,
The New Media
新媒体 敬上
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MJ单打会比LBJ KD弱?现代这么强,KD Curry单季平均得分应该超过MJ了吧那加起来有超过欧布20分了吧那公牛防守几个大锁应该都在摆烂嘴绿可以说他看起来会打爆,一堆教练球员还不是说MJ来现代会得40分以上,忘记最多吹几分了,人家在嘴砲有人在认真谁一定赢勇士才刚嘴完湖人,过几天就嘴公牛爵士也不意外F1没看Max嘴打爆大舒,NBA每天都在张飞打岳飞嘴绿说比较很蠢,结果迷迷还真的蠢猛比近代也有21鹿靠中锋夺冠,也不是3分挡拆一定赢没真打过很难说,不然光看公牛打溜马,爵士早淘汰西区强队,还以为爵士机会来了也没人想到73勇会拿亚军73胜勇

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