arod1414 (万夫莫敌蒋智贤)
2022-06-22 20:43:52球评:LBJ也是王朝,因为他的时代只有勇士王朝,反观MJ的时代有多个王朝
Nick Wright recently had an interesting take to offer in the Michael Jordan and
LeBron James GOAT debate. Speaking on the nature of a dynasty on "First Things F
irst", Wright offered a relatively new perspective on the matter.
球评Nick Wright最近在MJ和LBJ的GOAT辩论中提出了一个有趣的观点。Wright在节目中谈到
While some analysts, such as Skip Bayless, don't even consider James worthy enou
gh to be part of the debate, others like Nick Wright are on the other side of th
e coin.
尽管一些球评,比如Skip Bayless,甚至不认为LBJ有资格参与这场辩论,但Nick Wright等
Vigorously defending LeBron's claim to the throne, Wright made a reference to th
e Golden State Warriors being the newest dynasty.
"The reason the Warriors are a dynasty is because, in an eight-year stretch, the
y went to six Finals and won four rings," Wright said. "So who else did that dur
ing the LeBron James era? Oh wait, LeBron James! LeBron James was the dynasty!"
While discussing James' accomplishments, Wright argued that there were existing
dynasties in the Jordan era. Chris Broussard didn't take to this well, but Wrigh
t defended his statement with some debatable stats.
在讨论LBJ的成就时,Wright认为MJ时代存在着其他王朝。Chris Broussard并没有接受这一
"This is what we hear. 'Nobody ate on Jordan's watch,' which is true, as long as
you're excluding Kareem, Magic, Worthy, Bird, McHale, Parish, Isaih, Dumars, Ha
keem, Drexler, Duncan, Robinson, Shaq, Kobe. Nobody else ate though, he's right
about that."
On the Miami Heat welcome party, LeBron said Not1 Not 2 Not 3 Not 4 Not 5 Not 6 Not 7 but 8 POINTS!!! LeBron is a inherent clown.For MJ, GOAT = Greatest of all timeFor LBJ, GOAT = Go on another team