mingonly (想要告诉你!)
2022-05-31 12:41:08I definitely feel like me learning from him helped accelerate my understanding o
f the game that we’re in, the business that we’re in. Because I was watching h
im deal with it in front of the camera, off the camera. Being LeBron James, that
comes with its own responsibility.”
我确实觉得向他学习有助于加快我对我们所参与的比赛和商业的理解。 因为我看着他在镜
头前和镜头外处理著这一切。 作为詹姆斯这个身份本身就是肩负著责任。
That was a time in my career that I look back on, and we’ve had conversations,
me and Bron, plenty of conversations. …That’s my dog, shout out to Bron, man
那是我回顾的一段生涯时期,我们也进行了许多谈话,我和詹姆斯经常聊天, 他是我的哥
my dog