mingonly (想要告诉你!)
2022-05-21 20:50:50Shams:Ham的特条件在面试中表现得相当突出
In terms of the Lakers’ preferences, sources say team officials have prioritize
d a coach who can command respect and authority from the locker room and who has
a strong enough presence and voice to manage the varying roles and relationship
s across the roster. Those characteristics bode well for Ham’s candidacy. Throu
ghout assistant coaching stops with the Lakers, [Atlanta] Hawks and Bucks, Ham h
as been known for his no-nonsense style and ability to resonate with his players
— attributes that have stood out in his communication with the Lakers thus far
as well, sources said.”
同球员关系的能力和声量。 Ham较为符合湖人的要求,他曾在湖人、老鹰和公鹿担任助教,
一直以来都以严肃的风格和能与球员产生共鸣而闻名。 消息人士表示,Ham的这些条件也在
Pelinka is heading the committee that will ultimately make the decision. Jeanie
Buss, who has yet to be involved in the process, is not part of the committee an
d plans on deferring to its recommendation. Phil Jackson and Johnson aren’t par
t of the committee, either. It’s only Lakers officials — none of whom are name
d LeBron James. While it’s known that James would have been enthused by the pro
spect of Mark Jackson getting the nod here, that obviously won’t be the case.
也不是委员会的成员。 该委员会成员均为湖人高层,这里面没有一个叫詹姆斯的,虽然大
家都清楚詹姆斯会对提名于Mark Jackson感到兴奋,但这并不可能发生。
Considering the many unflattering storylines that have surrounded the Lakers in
recent years, from Magic’s messy exit in April 2019 to Jerry West deeming them
a “shitshow” in December 2020 to the i haven’t been told shit Vogel firing th
at was executed so poorly, Jeanie Buss is determined to assuage any and all of t
he finalists’ concerns about the organization during this final stage. Her mess
age, the source said, would focus on an organizational commitment to providing b
oth the resources and internal support needed to inspire team success.
职,还有Jerry West认为湖人就是个shit show(烂摊子),再到执行得如此糟糕的 "湖人什
么屎都没跟我说 "的Vogle解雇,珍妮决心在这个最后阶段打消任何和所有参与竞争的人对
该组织的担忧。 消息人士说,她给出的讯息是,在未来她会将工作聚焦于激励团队,并为