Re: [外絮] 杰伦:字母哥是世界上最好的球员

楼主: xavier0963 (Ciao!)   2022-05-17 19:41:19
※ 引述《liefuchen (liefu)》之铭言:
: Giannis Antetokounmpo scored 25 points, grabbed 20 rebounds and dished out 9 ass
: ists in Game 7 of the second round series against the Celtics but it wasn’t eno
: ugh as the Bucks were beaten heavily by Boston (109-81). This loss ended the sea
: son for the defending NBA champions.
: 字母哥在第七场拿了25分20板还有9次助攻,然而这一切还是不足以击败塞尔提克,这场失
: 利终止了卫冕军的赛季。
: In this series the two-time NBA MVP averaged 33.9 points, 14.7 rebounds and 7.1
: assists in 40 minutes per game and made life difficult for his opponents.
: 在这个系列赛,字母哥在场均40分钟内33.9分,14.7篮板,7.1次助攻,并且造成对手很大
: 的困难。
: Jaylen Brown was asked about playing against Giannis in a seven-game series. “G
: iannis is the best player in the world,” he said. “You can see why a lot of pe
: ople say that. I think that he’s just relentless in his approach. He is aggress
: ive all the time and he’s just not going to be denied.
: 杰伦也在赛后被问到对抗字母哥的感觉
: 杰伦:
: 字母哥是世界上最好的球员,你可以看得出为什么大家会这么说。他总是不断的前进,他总
: 是保持者侵略性,而且他也没有要被阻挡。
: “That was tough for us this series to fit his level of physicality, challenged
: us all to be disciplined, to match his aggressiveness and it was incredible the
: way he was able to do with his team.
: 要对应他的体能对我们来说是一件很辛苦的事,考验我们的纪律性,跟上他的侵略性,而他
: 带领队伍的方式真的是太不可思议
‘It’s just God disguised as Michael Jordan’
这种老梗了 30几年前就有人用这招了
这到底是高级酸 还是谦虚过头了

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