mingonly (想要告诉你!)
2022-04-29 00:36:41追梦:去年西门不上篮传球跟我们今天类似
Ben Simmons last year passed up a layup, and everybody got mad at him. However t
here was a guy rotate across to block the shot. And so very similar possession t
oday , Klay dropped the ball down to me, and i turned he's already loading up to
block the shot, and I kicked it out to Gary Payton. I trust that GP can make th
e shot. That was such a terrible pass.
传给GP, 我相信他能投进,不过那球传的太糟了。
Then he swung at the Wiggins on the weak side, and Wiggins actually threw him an
other terrible pass. He kept his poise i got to give him his credit. He hit the
shot the 3-point up 86-84 we took the lead and then he knock down the three, put
a dagger and sent those boys back.
他又把球转移到在弱侧的围巾,围巾又传回给他,这也是一个糟糕的传球, 但他保持冷静