Doug Gottlieb Says Kobe Bryant Once Told Him ‘LeBron Isn't Built for LA'
Fox Sports的篮球分析师和主持人Doug Gottlieb分享了一个关于Kobe的小故事,当时LBJ
Doug Gottlieb: “One night, and I have talked about this, Kobe and I had been
missing each other in terms of talking about youth basketball. He coached his
late daughter, Gianna, and they had the 'Lady Mamba’s', and I had my own team
and program in the same area, drawing from the same schools. We would exchang
e texts, ideas, and frustrations, and it was really, really cool. He would sho
ot me a text and be like ‘can you grab a drink tonight?’ Finally, I had drin
ks with him…
Doug Gottlieb:有一天晚上,我和他谈到了这件事,Kobe和我一直很想念对方,我们常
常会谈论青年篮球。 他当时正指导他已故的女儿Gigi,他们有曼巴女篮球队,我在同一
地区有自己的团队和计划,也在同一所学校。 我们会交换文字、想法和挫败感,这真的
Of the things that he talked about