mingonly (想要告诉你!)
2022-02-13 17:26:35I’ve heard from a few already — that believe owners and league officials are d
etermined to explore the feasibility of working new salary sanctions into the ne
xt collective bargaining agreement to dissuade another highly compensated player
from taking Harden’s lead and essentially going on strike, like he just did tw
ice in a span of 13 months in Houston and Brooklyn, to force his way to a new te
Marc Stein:我从一些消息人士那里得知,有部分的球队老板及联盟高层将在下一次的谈判
Brooklyn has thus far downplayed its interest in pushing the league office to in
vestigate Philadelphia for tampering charges, given Harden’s well-chronicled cl
oseness to Morey and Sixers minority owner Michael Rubin, but that’s a topic su
re to come up again (and again).
ichael Rubin的亲密关系很好,但这个话题未来肯定还会再次出现。