湖人用THT和一个未来选秀权向塞尔提克报价Josh Richardson
League sources tell MassLive.com that the Lakers, Jazz, Timberwolves have all sh
own trade interest in the 6-foot-6 guard ahead of Thursday’s deadline.
消息人士透露,在交易截止日前,湖人、爵士、灰狼都对塞尔提克后卫Josh Richardson表
A new intriguing suitor for Richardson though is the Lakers, given their collect
ion of assets. The team has been shopping a package of Talen Horton-Tucker, Kend
rick Nunn and a future first-round pick now for several weeks in hopes of landin
g an impact veteran and sources tell MassLive that Horton-Tucker and a future pi
ck has been offered for Richardson. That type of package could entice Boston if
they are believers in Horton-Tucker’s upside.
The 21-year-old signed a three-year, $30 million contract this offseason but has
struggled mightily with his jump shot this season (25 percent) to the point whe
re the contract has been seen as a negative asset around the league, per sources
. Whether the allure of an unprotected first-round pick down the road (2026 is t
he earliest the Lakers could trade theirs due to previous trades) is enticing en
ough for Boston to take on Horton-Tucker’s contract is the bigger question.
据消息人士透露,这位 21 岁的球员在休赛期签下了一份为期三年、价值3000万美元的合约