※ 引述《VeryGoodBoy (很棒的男孩)》之铭言:
: 标题: [情报] 到美国时间2/2止 所有NBA球员TPA图
: 时间: Sat Feb 5 17:50:51 2022
: 消息来源:(网址或出处)
: https://twitter.com/NBA_Math/status/1489254851943047168/photo/1
: 内容:
: Through games on Feb. 2, here's how all NBA players have fared on both ends
: of the floor during the 2021-22 season, per TPA.
: 本季到美国时间2/2的比赛为止,所有球员之TPA
: https://imgur.com/uEEd5yp
: 推 EQUP : 吹羊防守真这么烂吗= = 02/05 17:53
: 推 AWSMD : 崔养那个到底是怎样 防守放推吗 02/05 17:57
: 推 syamp : KD 不是整天被吹防守很罩?这图代表什么? 02/05 17:59
: → skylove21 : 吹阳的防守就硬伤阿 进联盟以来都这样 02/05 17:59
: → live147222 : TPA也没办法很好的显示防守啦,总不会真的说Jokic防 02/05 18:01
: → live147222 : 守联盟独一档 02/05 18:01
: 推 dffa3491 : 每个对位Trae Young的都能硬打他,守不守没什么差 02/05 18:01
: 推 syamp : 阿肥前些时候就被夸防守功力大进,你不如说tpa不显y 02/05 18:04
: → syamp : TPA不显示进攻和防守好了,那TPA要看什么? 02/05 18:07
: 推 vhs97nu : 阿肥连防守都这么鬼... 02/05 18:07
不过为什么呢? 我有点好奇
首先 TPA是怎么来的呢?
As such, the formula for TPA is rather simple. It’s broken down into two
parts—offensive points added (OPA) and defensive points saved (DPS)—and
each is calculated in the same vein.
OPA is derived by adjusting offensive box plus/minus (OBPM) to account for
the number of possessions the player in question is present for. Similarly,
DPS is derived from a similar adjustment of defensive box plus/minus (DBPM)
with that same number of possessions. OBPM and DBPM, both calculated by
Basketball-Reference.com, estimate the per-100-possessions value of a player
on either end of the court.
而由于Box Score数据在防守面并不完备
Box Plus/Minus is a very good offensive metric, but it struggles some with
defense. As mentioned before, when all you have is a box score, you cannot
estimate defense very well. Not including minutes per game in the regression
also hampers the accuracy of the defensive estimates. In other words