arod1414 (万夫莫敌蒋智贤)
2022-01-14 08:35:05龟龟:把批评视为赞美,如果受到关注表示我做了些对的事情
Westbrook addressed the criticism he is receiving from the media and fans over h
is performance in recent games.
“I think, for me, I look at it in a positive way and I look at it like this: si
nce I’ve been in the league, every arena, fans, whoever, the jokes…whatever it
is that it may be, I take it as a compliment because if I wasn’t out here and
I hadn’t done anything in this game, they wouldn’t even pay no mind to me or p
ay no mind to what I’m doing and how I’m doing it.”
In his position, it is essential not to be swayed by harsh criticism, and if his
actions are noticed and appreciated, he must be doing something right. He menti
oned that he will keep an eye on the good things and have a mindset of “why not
It is clear from watching Westbrook’s performance that he needs to improve his
game, and the Lakers need to act if they want this season’s title, especially i
f they are getting these scoring points each game. Taking a look at his stats f
rom past games, Westbrook didn’t prove to be the player the audience expected h
im to be as he averaged at 19 points, 8.1 rebounds, and 8.2 assists per game, an
d the Lakers scoreboard isn’t what people expected as they stood at the 8th pos
ition in the Western Conference with 21 wins and 21 losses.
数据,龟龟并没有证明他是观众所期望的那种球员,因为他场均得到 19 分、8.1 个篮板和
8.2 次助攻,而湖人队的排名也不是人们所期待的,他们以21胜21负位居西部第8名。