[外絮] LBJ打C? 湖人可能有所作为

楼主: azlbf (上邪!我欲與君相知)   2022-01-04 11:08:43
LeBron at Center? Lakers Might Be On to Something
LBJ打中锋? 湖人可能有点作为
Los Angeles experimented with James at center in its win against the Rockets. Is this the best path forward?
湖人在打赢火箭的比赛让LBJ扛C ,这是正确的方向?
Necessity is the mother of all lineup changes. In the midst of a five-game losing streak, an injury to Anthony Davis and ineffective play from veteran bigs DeAndre Jordan and Dwight Howard, the Lakers started LeBron James at center on Tuesday night. The result? A 32-11-11 triple double for LeBron, a much-needed win for the Lakers and perhaps most importantly, a few positive signs in the shot diet of James.
因为5连败、AD受伤 两位中锋无所发挥的情况,LBJ作为中锋于周二出赛,结果如何? 32-11-11 大三元摘下湖人急需的胜利。更重要的是LBJ在出手选择上更为积极 。
A brief look at LeBron’s counting stats this season wouldn’t raise any eyebrows. Despite all of the struggles for the Lakers, James’s basic box score is very LeBronian. For the season, James is averaging 27.6 points, 7.0 rebounds, and 6.7 assists a night. His points per game would actually be his highest since his final year in Miami, though LeBron is getting a little boost in that department by playing his most minutes a night in a Los Angeles uniform. Peek a little closer at the numbers and you’ll
see James is shooting 7.5 threes per game, while his free-throw attempts have dipped to a would-be career low of 5.4.
LBJ目前的数据不会引起什么特别的关注,尽管湖人表现挣扎,但LBJ依旧还是那个LBJ ,场均27.6 /6.7/7
这是他离开迈阿密后的最高得分(翻译此篇时得分已经被推高为28.5 )
One of the more interesting long-term developments of James’s career has been his embrace of the three. Remember, this was someone who in his first Finals was basically being dared to shoot by the Spurs. (A Finals that now took place nearly a decade and a half ago, but still.) The book on James was always to concede jumpers, except now at 37-years-old, he’s much more effective at making defenses pay with his shot. But are those threes worth it if they come at the expense of James shooting at the rim?
在LBJ的生涯中有趣的一点是他对三分球的掌握。让我们回忆一下他的第一个总冠(被马刺守死 https://vault.si.com/vault/2007/06/18/taking-care-of-business)
According to NBA.com’s shot tracking data, LeBron is shooting only 40.2% of his field goal attempts within 10 feet this season. That’s the lowest frequency recorded by the data, which goes back to 2014. Through 2020, that number was almost always at, near or above 50%, a testament to James’s ability and will to get into the paint or within a CDC-discouraged distance of the rim.
根据NBA.com的数据,LBJ在10呎的投射命中率只有40%,是他在14年后的最低命中,而在2020年 他的命中则保持接近50%。
James is currently shooting well enough from beyond the arc that his 58.6% effective field goal percentage is his highest mark as a Laker. (Of all players launching at least 10 shots a night, LeBron is 11th in EFG%.) But James routinely used to be in the 60s in effective shooting, including his last two years in Cleveland as well as his final year in Miami. And that’s where his playing at center, which has already been beneficial for the Lakers, could get LeBron some even easier looks moving forward.
而LBJ的投射有效命中率EFG%则有58.6% 是湖人最好的。(在所有NBA每场出手10次以上的球员排11 ,译者翻译时已上升到6)这就是他在中锋时的进攻表现,这对湖人更有利,可以让LBJ打的更轻松。
LeBron performs really well when asked to function as a big. According to NBA.com, James generates 1.57 points per possession when acting as the roll man in a pick-and-roll, but it’s a play he runs only 2.4% of the time on offense. (Against Houston, there were two instances in the final two minutes when James set a screen for Westbrook and then rolled to the hoop for an easy dunk.) Meanwhile, James also produces 1.09 points per possession when he posts up, a figure higher than the likes of Joel Embiid
and Kevin Durant, or even his teammate Anthony Davis. But James often doesn’t have the room to operate on the block with other bigs on the floor. Against the Rockets, there were multiple instances of LeBron either catching the ball on the block with the rest of the Lakers around the perimeter, or him being able to seal his man and call for the ball literally in the middle of the paint.
被要求打C的时候,LBJ打的更好更轻松。在每次发起挡拆时可以得到1.57分,但在进攻端他只有2.4%的时间需要跑动,而同时他在挡拆后篮下得分也来到1.09,高于死神KD跟铅笔Embiid甚至是他的队友AD(我查了一下 是“这2年的AD”)
搭配前后文 ,我的理解是湖人让LBJ从禁区接球发起进攻,远比禁区屯一堆肉棒来的好发挥,他可以在肘区选择进攻、帮西河掩护、为其他射手制造机会。然后LBJ减少大量跑动,减少体力消耗。这某方面是一种逆点名的打法,只要对位没办法1:1守住LBJ就会制造更多的包夹,这也意味够多的空档。跟LBJ在骑士从外围跑动点名是完全不同的打法。
The Lakers as a whole are so much more aesthetically pleasing to watch when the offense isn’t cramped, and the numbers bear it out. When LeBron and Russ are on the floor, they have a 97.8 offensive rating (yuck) when paired with Jordan, a 107.1 offensive rating when paired with Howard, but a 113.9 mark when none of Jordan, Howard or Davis are on the floor—or the equivalent of this season’s second-best offense in the league.
但他们的三个大个都不在场时,湖人的进攻效率高达113.9 AKA 联盟第二好的进攻水准 。
简单说湖人的小球跟普通人的小球不太一样 。
作者: findwind0826 (寻风)   2022-01-04 11:24:00
所以他打C其实对他来说更省力 不需要外围扑防然后他也不需要从外围发起进攻 在里面解读防守就好阿反正现在联盟也没几个有料的中锋文内分析 这样打对他的体力条也不错打C减少跑动 效率也更好 问题其实是篮板和防守我倒是想知道LBJ打C的时候 湖人篮板状况
作者: chadhappy200 (每天多想妳一些)   2022-01-04 11:31:00
作者: findwind0826 (寻风)   2022-01-04 11:35:00
进攻无所谓阿 投的进就不用担心篮板 但防守嘛...他们那套小阵容 有哪个会乖乖卡位的看了一下 上场打灰狼 进攻篮板就被抓到爆了打阿拓也是被抓爆进攻篮板
作者: Religion1118 (钢琴王子)   2022-01-04 11:41:00
有看灰狼那场就知道 有一回合灰狼连续5个进攻篮板就知道湖人防守问题多大了
作者: findwind0826 (寻风)   2022-01-04 11:41:00
感觉只能在比赛中段使出的大招 要常规打可能还是...
作者: danielgogogo (丹尼尔去去去)   2022-01-04 12:25:00
作者: hohohoyayaya (JKZ)   2022-01-04 12:41:00
作者: matthew60707 (木炎)   2022-01-04 13:51:00
重点他37岁馁 不是27耶
作者: Anikk (安..)   2022-01-04 20:37:00

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