在拿到36000分及大三元 带领球队终止五连败后
LBJ赛后接受访问 被问到是否想过退休的事
"I know I'm on the other side of the hill compared to the hill I was on
before," James said at the post-game news conference.
"I've thought about it, where I'm at and whether I'm still playing at such a
high level. I've done 19 [seasons] and I'm not gonna do another 19.
"We'll see where my body takes me and my mind takes me. As long as my mind is
fresh and my body stays with that, I can play the game.
"I've put in enough hours and punched enough clocks to know when that time
comes I'll be OK with it."
我知道不同于过去 如今的我已经身处山的另一头了
我想过退休的事 想过我是否仍要在这么高强度的环境中继续打球
我已经打了19年了 我也不可能再打19年
就看看我的身体和心理能带我走到哪吧 只要我的思想还能保持热情 身体也能承受
但我也知道我已经打了足够的时间了 当(退休的)时间真的到来 我会欣然接受的