[花边] 篮网关于KI的回归声明

楼主: mingonly (想要告诉你!)   2021-12-18 08:08:40
BROOKLYN NETS STATEMENT BROOKLYN (Dec. 17, 2021) - The following statement has b
een released by General Manager Sean Marks: "After discussions with our coaches,
players and staff, the organization has decided to have Kyrie Irving re-join th
e team for games and practices in which he is eligible to participate. We arrive
d at this decision with the full support of our players and after careful consid
eration of our current circumstances, including players missing games due to inj
uries and health and safety protocols. We believe that the addition of Kyrie wil
l not only make us a better team but allow us to more optimally balance the phys
ical demand on the entire roster. We look forward to Kyrie's return to the lineu
p, as well as getting our entire roster back together on the court."
布鲁克林篮网队声明(2021年12月17日)-篮网队总经理Sean Marks发布如下声明:“在与我们
的教练、球员和工作人员讨论后,球队决定让Kyrie Irving重新加入球队,参加他有资格参
前的情况后做出的,包括球员由于受伤、健康和安全协议而缺席比赛。 我们相信Kyrie的加
衡。 我们期待着Kyrie的回归,同时也期待着我们的全队重新回到赛场上。
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow)   2021-12-18 08:23:00
联盟与其说是缩了 不如说是快放推了吧? 进安全协议的人越来越多 再下去就要拖到季后赛了
作者: TristyRumble (蓝宝)   2021-12-18 08:23:00
作者: kimuratakuya (烈日秋霜)   2021-12-18 08:38:00
作者: ginopun10477 (大腿牌)   2021-12-18 08:56:00
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow)   2021-12-18 09:12:00
场外触发安全规章就自律的问题 没打疫苗不会比较容易触发吧?
作者: dtundertaker (dtundertaker)   2021-12-18 09:23:00
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow)   2021-12-18 09:25:00
如果KI没在自律 那确诊过后有抗体也不用太担心啊
作者: marginal5566 (麻吉扭5566)   2021-12-18 10:07:00
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow)   2021-12-18 10:10:00
KI也没胜利啊 主场还不是不能打 可能就多打个十几二十场而已
作者: imundefeated (undefeatedman)   2021-12-18 10:48:00
反正打不打都可能染疫 但健康年轻人根本不会怎样
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow)   2021-12-18 11:19:00
有抗体也不能干嘛就是了篮网也没吞什么啊? 叫回来打球钱也不用给比较多

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