combokang (combokang)
2021-12-17 13:51:34※ 引述《lovea (lovea)》之铭言:
: 曝休赛季曾接近回锅湖人 汤玛斯称被朗多买断搅局
: https://nba.udn.com/nba/story/6780/5968285
: 2021-12-17 09:35 NBA台湾 / udn记者陈元廷/综合外电报导
: 挟著替美国男篮出赛世界杯资格赛,2战都攻下全队最高分的气势,汤玛斯(Isaiah
: Thomas)转战G联盟,首度出赛就狂飙42分,证明自己身手。而随着卫斯特布鲁克(
: Russell Westbrook)在内5人进隔离,湖人也决定找他来救火。
: 汤玛斯不只曾短暂效力过湖人,事实上他透露自己休赛季就一度接近回锅,“我真的相信
: 假如朗多(Rajon Rondo)没有被买断合约,我早就是湖人底下的一员了,我当初还跟詹
: 姆斯(LeBron James)与卫斯特布鲁克练球呢”。
: 朗多是被快艇交易到灰熊后遭买断,恢复自由的他选择回到2020年一起夺冠的老东家。湖
: 人目前除卫斯特布鲁克外,还有哈沃德(Dwight Howard)、蒙克(Malik Monk)与霍顿-
: 塔克(Talen Horton-Tucker)与布莱德利(Avery Bradley)进隔离。
: 千呼万唤始出来!!!!
: 迟来的运钞车!!!
“I was very close. I really believe that if the Rondo buyout didn’t happen, I would have been a Laker. And all respect to Rondo, and respect to the Lakers organization. I was able to work out with Bron and Westbrook, so they’ve seen me in my element, and they’ve seen me back to the person I am.
“So things happen, I can’t control that, but I was really close to signing with the Lakers and that probably would have been a really good opportunity to play with such great players and to be able to learn from (such) great players. And to be in an organization like the Lakers again, that would have been super dope. But it didn’t happen and you’ve got to move forward.”