Kendrick Perkins calls LeBron James, Lakers ‘trash’ in ruthless tiradeby
Paolo SongcoDecember 10, 2021
Kendrick Perkins is not exactly the most timid of broadcasters out there.
Perk usually speaks his mind freely without really considering the possible
effects of his sometimes hurtful criticism. Well, this is exactly what he
exhibited when he recently went on a fiery rant against LeBron James and the
Los Angeles Lakers.
Kendrick Perkins遇到该评论的事情时通常就有话直说,也不管后续影响会如何。
而这种批评正好反应在他近日用在LeBron James所率领的湖人身上。
Perkins, who used to be teammates with LeBron with the Cavs, went full savage
on the Lakers. He did not hold back as he explained in detail why he believes
that the Lakers are nothing but “trash” right now:
“Some people in the country, they burn they trash, and it stinks when they
burn it. I mean, hot garbage,” Perkins said. “That’s who the Lakers are
right now. … I’m tired of talking about the Lakers. You know why? Because
they don’t deserve to be talked about. Because they are not good right now.
They haven’t earned the right to be talked about. … They are trash.”
Perkins went all out in his tirade here. The Lakers have been on the
receiving end of some harsh criticism throughout what has been a very
disappointing season for them, but this one from Perk has got to be one of
the most ruthless ones we’ve heard to date.
It did not end there for Perkins. The 37-year-old then went on to express his
belief that in all this, it’s none other than Anthony Davis who must be
blamed for the Lakers’ shortcomings:
“When I look at the Lakers, says I got to answer the question, ‘Who’s the
most to blame?’ I’mma say Anthony Davis,” Perkins continued. “… He has
to man the hell up and demand the basketball. … The Lakers are at their best
when they run their offense through Anthony Davis on the low block. … Now it
comes to the point where LeBron James and Russell Westbrook have to defer to
Anthony Davis. … If the Lakers have plans of going anywhere or even have us
be worthy of talking about them, they need to get the ball to AD more.”
Perkins接着表示,责任应该归咎到Anthony Davis身上。
而现在是时候让LeBron & Westbrook在场上服从AD了。