arod1414 (万夫莫敌蒋智贤)
2021-12-10 23:17:57Kanter:显然球员们也想谈论这些议题,但碍于NBA及Nike代言合约而不敢发声
You have been urging N.B.A. players to focus on this issue because the N.B.A.—a
nd not just the N.B.A. but shoe companies such as Nike—have business in China.
What has been the response from your fellow-players? What have you heard and wha
t have they said to you personally?
司在中国有业务。 你的队友有什么反应? 你听到了什么?他们对你个人说了什么?
I remember that the first time I talked about these issues, I sat down with almo
st all of my teammates and had conversations with them because their support was
so important to me. And the response that I got from them gave me so much hope
and motivation to fight. I remember them saying, “Listen, what you’re doing is
right. Stay strong, and obviously not many people are going to like what you’r
e saying, but whatever happens, we got your back. Just keep speaking the truth.
” I pretty much got the same response from all my teammates. And not just my cu
rrent teammates—even my ex-teammates. Actually, not many people know this, but
many of them are texting me privately and giving me talking points. So, players
want to talk about this, obviously. Because of the N.B.A., because of the endors
ement deals and Nike, they are scared to say something, but I know in their hear
t they want to say something.