mingonly (想要告诉你!)
2021-12-06 18:22:59哈登和西河本赛季各项数据相似
Russ and Harden's paths have been intertwined since their NBA careers began. The
y started with the Thunder. Years later, they reunited in Houston. And although
it's been a pleasure watching them play and grow together, they shine the bright
est when running their own offense. This year's no different - with eerily simil
ar numbers, they're doing their thing on a nightly basis & If you had to pick on
e, who you got?
自从他们踏入联盟之后,两人的命运就一直交织在一起。 他们从雷霆开始,几年后在休士
顿相聚。 虽然看着他们一起打球一起成长是一件很开心的事情,但他们在各自的路上都是
最出色的。 而他们今年的表现也几乎没什么不同,他们的数据惊人的相似,如果你只能选