[外絮] KD:我享受比赛,想打48分钟

楼主: Wojnarowski (@WojVerticalNBA)   2021-12-01 12:50:27
Kevin Durant doesn’t care about minutes: ‘My basketball life is not that lon
“I’m a basketball player. I enjoy to play. I wanna play for 48 minutes. That
’s just what it is,” he said after the game. “And I know a lot of people ─
I don’t even know if they’re concerned or not. It’s just a conversation to
have: I’m playing more minutes and I’m coming off an injury and all this ot
her stuff, but I like to play, and if I can convince coach to play me the whol
e second half sometimes and put me in earlier in quarters, I’m gonna do it.
“It don’t matter. My basketball life is not that long, so I’m gonna get the
most out of it.”
Durant said has an ongoing campaign with Steve Nash to get his head coach to p
lay him as many minutes as possible. The campaign was successful, Durant said,
in the Nets’ loss to the Phoenix Suns, when he convinced Nash to play him th
e entire second half.
“Tonight he just threw me in earlier in the fourth,” Durant said. “I didn’
t ask him but I’m sure for the rest of the season, I’ll try to sneak some of
those 40- plus-minute games in, but s
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上场虐爆小猫 下场呼麻上推特笔战 舒适

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