mingonly (想要告诉你!)
2021-10-17 19:38:58Marbury:SAS你没资格评论KI,收回你的言论
Stephon Marbury:
it's sad to hear stephen a smith talk about kyrie irving the way how he's ta
lking about him calling him selfish this man has done so much stuff for huma
n beings and giving back and trying to help so many different people all dif
ferent cultures not just black people.
He played a little bit of basketball, but come on, seriously? You letting th
is guy talk to you about sports? This guy never got hit in a football game,
he never swung a bat, and this is the person who they have speaking and talk
ing about what’s going on in sports? Man, you need to defund his voice.
Stephen A Smith:
He was Sensational and Kyrie Irving is Sensational. I don't even belong in t
he mentioned, in the same breath, as if I'm a journalist to report a comment
ator. That's where my stuff lies, not as a ballplayer.
But I'm a grown, I'm a grown-ass man. I'm a black man. And I've watched peop
le like yourself in these positions where you can be leaders and you elect t
o take a pass and that is what I am accusing Kyrie Irving of doing and let's
go down the list!
You're in Cleveland, you're playing with the great LeBron James. you can't g
et along with him, you decide to ask out of it, you transfer the Boston beca
use you threatened Cleveland that you would not be willing to play. If they
didn't move you,you go to Boston and what do you do? They go to the finals w
ithout I'm sorry, they go to the Eastern Conference Finals without you becau
se you get hurt, you come back the next year and things are a bit discombobu
lated. You apologize to LeBron James saying that you didn't realize what he
was talking about at the time because there was a leadership issue.
You go to Boston and what do you do?They go to the Eastern Conference Finals
without you because you get hurt, you come back the next year you apologize
to LeBron James saying that you didn't realize what was talking about at th
e time because there was a leadership issue. and you promise Boston fans I w
ould stay there, and then you get up and leave, you end up going to Brooklet
You're there the first year, KD ain't with you because he tears his Achilles
, you only play 20 games. Then the next year you come and you get hurt right
before the season is halted because of a pandemic. During the summer time b
efore play was to be resumed, you're encouraging. Players to put themselves
in a position where billions of dollars would caught it would cost them bill
ions of dollars. If they work to sit up there and not playing a bubble, beca
use the players in the NBA owners would have ripped up the CBA agreement bec
ause they were losing so much money. It would have read it all contracts, nu
ll avoid, and then you would have had to start all over. You go public with
that Proclamation, without talking to CP3 in the leadership for the NBA Play
ers Association.
Then after that you're going for 10 months off. I'm talking about Kyrie obvi
ously, you're going for ten months off and that 10 month span once you come
back, you play seven games over a two-week period and to say, I need a break
for personal reasons. And now here we are with the vaccine. I'm not an anti
-vaxxer. I'm vaccinated but I was nervous about it too. Okay, I understand K
yrie's reservations, but when you go to an ICU unit and you see a bunch of b
lack people in there, you understand that has been infected by the virus. Th
is, when you think about pre-existing conditions that have plagued our commu
nity and what have you and you see, black people dying, do take the position
that I think I took, if you don't want to do that, that's fine. But my poin
t is you left Brooklyn hanging. So KD and James Harden is there, because of
you, but you're not there with them
你不想打疫苗,OK 没事,但我的重点是你把篮网搁在那,KD和哈登都是因为你才来篮网
we get to question his leadership. Based on the multitude of decisions that
he has made. It doesn't make him a bad person because he's not, it doesn't g
et us to ignore his philanthropy because we shouldn't. He's a beautiful pers
on whose hearts in the right place who's done a lot of great things for a lo
t of great people. But on this particular issue, I believe he's wrong. If yo
u disagree with me, I respect that whether you in China or New York or anywh
ere in between, you have a right to voice your opinion, but don't act like,
just because I didn't play the game on your level that ,I don't let say that
kyrie Irving