laptic (无明)
2021-09-21 07:29:21消息来源:(网址或出处)
Golden State Warriors guard Klay Thompson, who has missed the last two
seasons due to a torn left ACL and a torn right Achilles, has made good
progress during his rehabilitation over the course of the summer and is on
pace to return for the 2021-22 season. The exact time for his return this
season will be based on his continued progress. Thompson, who underwent
surgery on his right Achilles on November 25, 2020, is expected to partici-
pate in various controlled drills during training camp. His return to full
practices will be determined at a later date.
Golden State Warriors center James Wiseman, who underwent successful surgery
to repair a right meniscal tear on April 15, has made good progress during
rehabilitation over the course of the summer and is on pace to return for the
2021-22 season. The exact time for his return this season will be based on
his continued progress. He was expected—and is still expected—to begin full
jumping six (6) months from the date of surgery, which would be October 15.
Wiseman is expected to participate in individual shooting and other
individual on-court activities during training camp. His return to full
practices will be determined at a later date (after October 15).
因为受到左侧十字韧带撕裂、右侧跟腱撕裂而错过上两个赛季的后卫 Klay Thompson,在
过去夏季进行复健期间,恢复情况良好,目前正准备于2021-22 赛季回归,至于准确时间
另一方面,在04月15日成功完成修复右侧半月板撕裂伤的中锋 James Wiseman,目前恢复
情况也良好,正在准备于2021-22 赛季回归,准确时间要看他的后续进展而定。现阶段仍