pneumo (超☆冒险盖)
2021-09-14 10:14:35来源: NBC Sports
网址: https://tinyurl.com/3eerdvep
Report: Marc Gasol never got over Lakers demoting him for Andre Drummond
Marc Gasol对于湖人把他降在Andre Drummond后始终无法释怀
When the Lakers signed Andre Drummond to supplant Marc Gasol as starting
center last season, Gasol called it a “hard pill to swallow.”
当上个赛季湖人签下Andre Drummond来取代Marc Gasol的先发中锋位置时,Gasol说这是个
A few days later, Gasol restated his full commitment to the Lakers. As
recently as last month, Gasol said he’d return to the Lakers next season.
But apparently he never got over getting demoted for Drummond.
Seemingly choosing not to return to Los Angeles, Gasol got traded to the
Grizzlies, who’ll release him so he can finish his career in Spain.
Bill Oram of The Athletic:
The Athletic作家Bill Oram报导:
"I don't know. Maybe, just maybe, this is a lesson that you shouldn't always
chase the shiny new thing. Marc Gasol is a floor-spacing big the Lakers could
use in lineups with Russell Westbrook. As a team source said during the
recent standoff with Gasol, "He could really help us."
“我不知道,或许,这让我们知道不应该总是去找新鲜亮丽的事物。Marc Gasol是个可以
"This can only be looked at as a consequence of the Andre Drummond signing.
Promising him Gasol's starting job and essentially demoting Gasol to third
string created a rift that could not be resolved, despite Marc saying all the
right things publicly in the immediate aftermath…"
“这只能看成是因为湖人签了Andre Drummond的后续效应。本来答应要给Gasol先发位置,
"… and this summer in Tokyo. So, not only did signing Drummond make the
Lakers worse on the court last season, it also poisoned the relationship with
a player who could have been useful for the team they've built this season."
The Lakers were right to chase roster upgrades last season. That didn’t turn
out to be Drummond, but with his size and talent, there was a chance he could
help. Merely signing him was not a bad idea.
Handling Drummond’s entrance onto the team was the bigger issue.
Gasol has shown he cares about his standing in the game. The Lakers should
have been more careful to manage his ego. Especially considering he usually
made good things happen when on the court prior to (and after) Drummond’s
As Oram’s source said, Gasol would have still helped this team, even at age
36. Gasol’s shooting and passing stand in stark contrast to Dwight Howard
and DeAndre Jordan, both of whom play a rim-running style. Plus, Gasol is a
smart defender and has the size to hold up at center – sparing Anthony Davis
from the responsibility.
Howard以及DeAndre Jordan是完全不同等级,后面两位主要都是打篮框附近的方式。此
作者: aa01081008tw 2021-09-14 10:18:00
抓猛就只有篮板 队友抢他篮板还会不爽抓猛躲在烂队当刷子 出去就显形
作者: aa01081008tw 2021-09-14 11:21:00
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow) 2021-09-14 11:44:00
抓猛底薪补进来湖人最多就亏底薪 这补强绝对没错不补抓猛是要补谁进来?
作者: Predrag26671 (这个人非常懒) 2021-09-14 11:57:00
马甲虽然还是有点东西 没这么烂 但上季的表现肯定是扛不了先发中锋或吃太多时间了找帮手 升级禁区没问题 问题是找来的是抓猛
AD跟西河都蛮需要有人不要占禁区拉开空间的 结果唯一可以的中锋却走了
作者: Predrag26671 (这个人非常懒) 2021-09-14 11:59:00
还让他挤下马甲 根本就是来羞辱人的
啥优劣 看东区比赛这么久他有造成过其他队伍中锋任何麻烦吗?有什么优的地方
马甲....真的跑不动了@@ 不过有他在,轮转真的顺畅
取代没问题 问题被抓猛取代 笑死卡住自己球队进攻 要防守又不会守 能干嘛?