Beginning with Summer Leagues and effective for the 2021-22 season, game officials will enforce the playing rules in a manner that reduces the incentive for offensive players to use non-basketball moves to draw fouls. 从夏季联赛及2021-22 赛季开始,裁判将执行新比赛规则,以减少进攻球员使用非篮球动 作来制造犯规。 Overt, non-basketball moves used by offensive players to initiate contact with defenders will include when: - The shooter launches or leans into a defender at an abnormal angle - The offensive player abruptly veers off his path (sideways or backwards) into a defender Moves by offensive players that would meet this criteria will also include when: - The shooter kicks his leg (up or to the side) at an abnormal angle - The offensive player’s off-arm hooks the defender (often in the process of attempting a shot in a non-basketball manner) 进攻球员用来与防守球员接触的非篮球动作: -投篮球员以异常角度倾斜到防守者身上 This play should result in a no-call, as the offensive player leans into the defensive player (at an abnormal angle), but the contact was marginal. If the offensive player had initiated more than marginal contact, an offensive foul would be the correct call. 这个回合应该无任何吹判,因为进攻球员靠在防守球员身上(以异常的角度),但接触 不算大。如果进攻球员此次制造的身体接触过大,那么将被吹进攻犯规。 -进攻球员突然偏离他的进攻路线(侧身或向后)与防守者制造身体接触 NBA官方给的追撞进攻犯规影片范例 符合此标准的进攻球员的动作还包括以下情况: -投篮球员以异常角度伸展他的腿(向上或向侧面)。 NBA官方给的踢腿进攻犯规影片范例 -进攻球员的非运球手勾住防守球员(通常是在以非篮球方式尝试投篮的过程中)。 This play should result in a no-call, as the offensive player’s off-arm hooked the defender’s arm (in the process of abruptly attempting a shot in a non-basketball manner) but did not impede the defender’s ability to continue defending the play. 这个回合不应该吹哨,因为进攻球员的非运球手勾住了防守队员的手臂(在以非篮球方 式突然尝试投篮的过程中),但并没有妨碍防守队员继续防守比赛的能力。 感想:马上可以联想到哪些球员常干...