新闻标题:‘This Skill Is Unmatched’: Kevin Durant Calls
Out Team USA Critics After Winning Gold at Tokyo Olympics
文章作者:Anuj Talwalkar
Kevin Durant calls out the critics
After winning the gold medal, Kevin Durant and Draymond Green were heading
to the press conference.
On their way, KD went live on Instagram and had a few words o say to the
Team USA critics. Durant said that the skill level of the USA is unmatched,
and the world has not caught up to them. He said:
"This skill is unmatched."
“They had some power rankings out, they had us 4th.
Come on man, talking about they catching up to us like are you
serious? This skill is unmatched, you dig.”
‘听说有Power Ranking把我们排在第四名?认真?