[情报] Duncan Robinson 续留热火 5y90M

楼主: willy911006 (小温)   2021-08-03 06:40:36
Duncan Robinson – host of the @TheLongshotPod – has agreed to a 5-year, $90M
contract to stay with the Miami Heat, his agent Jason Glushon of @GlushonSM t
ells ESPN. The deal, largest ever for an undrafted player, also includes an ET
O after the fourth year.
作者: doooooooooog (腊肠狗)   2021-08-03 06:41:00
作者: SwissMiniGun (瑞士迷你枪)   2021-08-03 06:43:00
油头改吃素但拿到大约 真的恭喜
作者: ggsumida0402   2021-08-03 06:45:00
有其他队想竞争? 给好大的约
作者: NankanAvenge (amuse)   2021-08-03 07:26:00
这只有防守的话就超级天价了 至少KT等级我是觉得搞不好很多队愿意对他开这价格 毕竟三分无球也是历史等级的这样比喻好像不太对 KT防守不只是有 是到年度队等级

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