mingonly (想要告诉你!)
2021-06-29 00:59:37The backlash from Portland Trail Blazers’ coaching search and his concerns
over whether a championship contender can be built have become major factors
that could force Damian Lillard to request out, league sources tell @YahooS
据雅虎体育记者Chris Haynes报导,联盟消息人士透露,关于拓荒者后卫Damian Lilla
Oh shit. This is the first time it’s felt real.
Honestly I don’t want it to end like this but if it results in him on a rea
l team and we get a head start on the rebuild I’m in. He deserves a chance
to win
尾开始重建,那我可以接受。 他值得一个争冠的机会。
Yeah. I’ve always brushed it off but Haynes in particular being the one twe
eting this has me worried for the first time ever
He’s the only person that has an in on Kawhi
yea haynes is close with dame for those out of the loop this is legit the fi
rst time ill believe dame wanting out
i've always laughed off any notion of Dame wanting out, including his crypti
c tweets and everything, but an article from Haynes is where it gets real.
我一直对Dame想要离开的消息一笑置之,包括他自己本人发的一些意义不明的推特。 但
I think the wording was intentional, like it was directed to the FO. Get som
ething done now or I’m asking out
Can they not just talk directly to the team? Whatever Dame wants I’d expect
the team to listen, why would he need to leak info to the public?
I’m sure he’s done that but nothing really changed.. I feel like most of t
hese guys talk to the FO directly and when they don’t listen or fail they m
ake it public. As an example, harden asked for trade early last summer, the
FO didn’t listen so he made it
我确定Dame已经这么做过了,但是并没什么改变。 我觉得大多数球员都会直接和管理层
沟通,如果球队不听或者不采纳,那么球员就会公开。 举个例子,去年夏天哈登提出交
It puts more pressure on the FO if fans and everyone knows And not just some
thing asked in private
16/18/Kemba for Dame?!
Kuzma and a protected first
This is definitely something that would come up from lakers fans.
I think our best offer is something like THT, Kuzma, and Schroder (s&t) or K
CP along with whatever picks we're capable of trading. It's an ass trade but
it's probably the best we got.
易的选秀权。 虽然这还是个很烂的报价,但已经是我们能拿出最棒的了。
Lakers have Kuzma, Caruso and a sign and trade of Schroder and THT if they a
gree to it, plus this years 22nd overall and the 2025 2027 1st. Can substitu
te Harrell and KCP's contracts too, if Harrell opts in. That's pretty much i
我湖有Kuz、Caruso以及先签后换的Schroder和THT,如果他们愿意的话。 再加上今年首
轮22和2025、2027的首轮。 如果Harrell执行球员选项的话,还可以换成Harrell和KCP
And there's no way just Simmons doesn't beat that, only team that can rival
our offer is probably Miami with Bam
I think there are like 7-8 teams that could put up incredible offers. Ofc y'
all are one. Miami's a good one. I think Boston could be one if they let go
of Brown. Denver could be one if they let go of Murray. Toronto could put to
gether a nice package of picks and players. Milwaukee, if they flame out, mi
ght look for a trade. The bigger question is where does he want to go. I kno
w he's locked up for a while, but I don't think Portland would wanna do a st
ar player, especially one whose been loyal this long, dirty. Even if the Pis
tons put together the best package, I don't think Portland says yes to that.
Should be an interesting few weeks.
我认为大概有7到8支球队能给出很好的报价,当然76人是其中之一。 除此之外,热火也
行,我认为赛提如果愿意给到Brown,那他们也能给出不错的报价。 金块愿意Murray的
话也是同理,暴龙打包选秀权和球员的报价具有竞争力。 公鹿如果被淘汰出局,很可能
也会寻求交易。 最大的问题其实是Dame想去哪,我知道Dame已经在波特兰很久了,但是
我还是不认为球队愿意送走一个当家球星,尤其是一位长期保持忠诚的球星。 即使活塞
Dubs about to offer Wiggings, Wiseman, 7 and 14 for Dame. Run the Steph, Dam
e, Klay lineup and just completely fuck the league from deep.
oh man dame from oakland too...
老兄 他的家乡就是奥克兰....
He should come play for his hometown team
Seems like Dame wants an excuse to leave tbh
Or, you know, he’s given the organization and this GM years to get their sh
ot together and they haven’t. It’s totally understandable if he wants out.
不过,你也知道,他给了球队和总经理多年的时间打造争冠阵容,但是结果呢? 如果他
Part of his brand was his loyalty so him directly saying he wants out would
be damaging his brand.