※ 引述《MPtter (MAJ)》之铭言:
: 情报:https://mobile.twitter.com/LakerFiles/status/1400516937386369033
: Reddit讨论串下面的回复:
: “Start Caruso”
: 让Caruso先发!
: “I can’t stand him. Why are you doing this right before a damn elimination g
: ame in the playoffs? Priorities?”
: 我受不了他了,为什么要在该死的淘汰赛之前做这种事呢?有没有搞错?
: “Dude turned down a very lucrative offer and will not get anything close to i
: t in FA. Dumbass decision, he gone.“
: 这位老兄拒绝了一份有够赚的合约,但他在自由球员市场却再也领不到这些钱了,愚蠢的
: 决定,再见Schroder。
: “Maybe he's changing his position to Center”
: 或许他要打中锋
: _
: 心得:出事了阿北
"PG for the Los Angeles Lakers"
德软IG: https://www.instagram.com/ds17_fg/
截图: https://i.imgur.com/emeFiNW.jpg
"Shhh…you hear that? It’s LeWinds of Change…"
"“Dennis was not properly educated on the situation”"