※ 引述《XperiaZ6C (索尼)》之铭言:
: 詹皇别沮丧!美医学专家分析:心伤大于踝伤
: 梁伟铭/综合报导
: 针对詹姆斯(LeBron James)右踝受伤1个多月复出,自称“不可能再恢复到100%”的悲情
: 说法,美国知名运动医学专家舒特尔(Brian Sutterer)同时也是当红Youtuber,特地制作
: 5分钟影音,详细解说詹皇其实“心伤”大于踝伤,还安抚广大球迷,这次“湖人一哥”所
: 受的伤,并不致成为职业生涯转折点。
给大家水管的连结: https://youtu.be/NCVXnYBbId8
: “我不知道詹皇为何会说出这么泄气的话,但以现代医疗技术,他的小伤绝对能够完全治疗
: 康复。”舒特尔还就心理层面剖析,或许詹皇职业生涯18季以来,头一次经历这么长的40天
: 休兵期, 临场心态调整不及,输球后才会如此沮丧,“我希望他积极一点,应该建立起自
: 信心,保证能恢复到受伤前状态。”
没有喔~~从头到尾Sutterer没这样说,他只说高位踝伤,他认为有decent chance可以恢
从头到尾就没有这件事 #1Uxj6WDy (NBA)
This is it welcome back everybody i'm dr brian suter and this is your number
one source for learning about the unique medical side of the world of sports.
After the lakers lost to the kings last night lebron had this to say in his
post-game interview, i knew i would you know getting back to 100 it's
impossible. I don't think I'll ever get back 100 of my career. I'm really
surprised to hear lebron say this and i want to just go over some of my
(湖人输给国王后,LBJ赛后访问说到他不可能恢复到100%. Sutterer说他很惊讶LBJ会这样
When i hear this to me there's two ways to interpret this either number one,
lebron doesn't think that he'll ever be 100 healed from his high ankle sprain
or; number two he doesn't think he'll ever get back to the level of playing
performance that he had before the sprain either way.
This thinking comes across as a little bit extreme to me we have to remember
this is the first big injury that lebrons had to go through during his
“i was more stressful than i've ever been”. It's the first time he's had to
deal with rehab and going through an absence like this. Now i would hope that
lebron's mindset here is more so that he won't return to the playing level
that he was at before his injury rather than he doesn't think the injury will
ever heal. There's no logical reason for me to think that lebron has this
mindset that he's never going to get back to 100. In terms of healing from
this injury yeah high ankle sprains are more severe than low ankle sprains
and result in a longer time mist. But this isn't something like an achilles
rupture or an acl tear or a major surgery that's drastically altered his body
in some significant way that would be a huge blow to your confidence on the
court if you're thinking that your injury is never going to 100 recover.
(LBJ: 我那时比我以前都还要有压力。LBJ第一次得要像这次要复健跟没打球,所以听起来
With any ankle injury there's risks of post-traumatic arthritis, if that
ligament that's connecting the fibula and the tibia together heals in a bit
of an elongated position or a stretched position you could have some a little
bit of instability in the ankle going forward but there's nothing about this
injury that made me think yeah there's a decent chance that it won't 100
So then if we look at these comments through the lens of he'll never be at
the playing performance he was before the injury, it makes a little bit more
sense but still given lebron's track record, i find a little bit extreme. If
we look at this timeline of an athlete's career, put really whatever you want
on this vertical axis in terms of a surrogate form marker of athletic ability
or their skill in general your average athlete is going to have an increase
in their skill level over time. As they get further along in their career,
eventually things are going to plateau a little bit and then they're going to
fall off towards the end of their career. If you're an athlete who's going
along pretty well and you suffer a sudden major injury, maybe your drop off
is a little bit more sharp. But this natural decline that we see as a person
ages is not something that you're like at fault for or that you can just
suddenly reverse.
In general, I think of injuries as having a bigger impact if they occur when
you're in this downslope of your natural athletic decline where maybe now you
drop down a little bit and then continue the rest of that descent. But think
of all the players that we've seen have major injuries earlier in the career
that really have gone on to still be pretty successful. Paul george broke his
leg and is still playing at a high level, Kevin durant came back from an
Achilles rupture and is still playing at a high level. So just having an injury
in and of itself doesn't always set you down this like career trajectory where
you're never going to get back to the way you were playing before.
Lebron still seems to be at this peak of his athletic ability and certainly not
on any sort of a downswing. Certainly if we look at his minutes per game over
his career they're starting to decline which is expected as somebody ages. But
his points per game have gone up and seem to be holding steady, his rebounds
per game are trending up, his overall net rating is trending in an upwards
direction, defensive rating is holding steady if not trending up a bit.
Offensive rating is certainly going up his three point attempts per game is
going up assists per game is going up.
都会这样。但是得分依旧稳定,篮板,Net Rating,防守也是,攻击也是,三分球出手跟
I mean you get the general trend with what we're seeing through lebron's career
right now, a lot of what's hard to tease out as these athletes age and then
suffer injuries is how much the injury is affecting their game versus just the
way that you naturally adapt your playing style as you age. I think anybody
would agree that lebron has changed his playing style as his career has
progressed to still be an effective player.
So let's listen back one more time to his comments. “i knew i would you know
getting back to 100 it's impossible i don't think i'll ever get back 100 of my
career”. For arguably one of the most durable athletes we've seen when it
comes to health throughout any sport, it's really hard for me to look at this
and say that yeah this ankle sprain is gonna be the end of it he's never gonna
be back the way he was and it's over maybe he feels like it's changed him just
enough that he can't get back to the level he was performing at before. But
lebron's been so good at adapting his game and making changes that i don't
think it's anything that we would necessarily drastically notice on the court
as his career continues you always wonder what it might be that will sort of
start that decline in his performance. But it's hard for me to look at this
high ankle sprain and think that this is it.