[情报] 火箭明天比赛将没有控球后卫在场上

楼主: pneumo (超☆冒险盖)   2021-04-24 14:27:06
来源:火箭记者Adam Spolane推特
网址: https://twitter.com/AdamSpolane/status/1385731859229790209
John Wall will not play tomorrow night so the Rockets will play an entire NBA
game without a point guard. "The way you said it makes it sound so bad since
I won't have a point guard tomorrow, and I guess it is very bad," Stephen
Silas said with laughter in his voice.
John Wall明天不会上场打球,所以火箭明天整场比赛不会有控球后卫。“因为明天我没有
Stephen Silas带着笑意说到。
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火箭就要坦 再签个书豪有啥意义
作者: wisdomcowcow (魏斯登)   2021-04-24 15:36:00

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