Source from ESPN
Horford done in OKC
Thunder shut down Al Horford for rest of season, will seek offseason trade-Woj
Source from Twitter @wojespn
ESPN Sources: As the Oklahoma City Thunder turn to younger players in the nightl
y rotation, five-time All-Star center Al Horford will be no longer active for ga
mes this season.
雷霆在让阵容轮替以年轻球员为主之际,五次全明星的中锋 Al Horford 将不会在本赛季剩
Horford plans to remain w/ OKC teammates and train at the team’s facility. Afte
r season, Horford will have 2 years, $53M left on deal and Sam Presti has pledge
d to work w/ Horford and his agent Jason Glushon on finding a destination that f
its better with this stage of his career.
Horford 计画剩余赛季将在雷霆与队友训练。在赛季之后,Horford 将有剩下两年5300万的
合约。Horford与他的经纪人 Jason Glushon 会持续找下个适合他继续生涯的目的地。
雷霆将让Al Horford 休息到赛季结束,休赛季将会寻找下个东家。
干 我以为也要参一咖...((抖