pneumo (超☆冒险盖)
2021-03-14 22:37:48来源: TalkBasket
网址: https://tinyurl.com/ywzj3jwa
Dennis Schroder says lack of practice has affected the Lakers’ on-court
Dennis Schroder说湖人缺少练习,已经影响场上团队默契
Dennis Schroder opened up about how the lack of practice has affected the
performance of the Los Angeles Lakers this season.
Dennis Schroder说出了缺少练习如何在本季影响了湖人的表现。
Schroder noted the lack of practice has prevented the Lakers from improving
their on-court chemistry.
“Dennis Schroder admitted that it has been difficult for the Lakers to get
to know each other on the court due to the lack of practice time. He added
that they’re getting better every day though,” Schroder said, via Lakers
“Dennis Schroder承认,因为缺少练习的时间,对湖人来说,球员要互相了解彼此一直是
很困难的。他也说,他们每天都有进步,”Lakers Nation报导Shroder所说的话。
Schroder and the Lakers are currently third in the West, with a 25-13 record.