avrild12 (78elic)
2021-03-11 09:10:15https://twitter.com/espn/status/1369815601112354823
Blake says Kevin Durant is the Nets player who recruited him the most.
还是讲了,GM Durant极力招募
※ 引述《pneumo (超☆冒险盖)》之铭言:
: 来源: 篮网记者Alec Sturm推特
: 网址: https://twitter.com/Alec_Sturm/status/1369430474762969089
: Blake Griffin smiled when asked if he was recruited by the Nets stars:
: "Well, not until the appropriate time, because of tampering [rules]. But
: yeah, I spoke to some of them."
: 当Blake Griffin被问到是否有篮网的球员来招募他时,他微笑着说:“欸~~时机未到不能
: 说,因为怕有违规招募的嫌疑。但是,有的,我有跟他们其中一些人聊过。”