[花边] O'Neal:现役有五位有机会打破Kobe 81分

楼主: mingonly (想要告诉你!)   2021-03-02 12:14:27
O'Neal:现役有五位有机会打破Kobe 81分纪录
Shaq said today on The Dan Patrick Show that he thinks there are multiple cu
rrent NBA guys who can surpass Kobe’s record.
O'Neal在节目上聊到现役有多位球员有机会打破Kobe 81纪录
“If anybody could do it I think it could be James, Kyrie, KD, Steph, Devin
Booker. Those are the names that come to mind right now.”
O'Neal also broke down what it would have taken for himself to surpass not o
nly Bryant's 81-point mark in a single game but also Chamberlain's 100-point
record during his own playing career.
"I would have to be shooting 75% from the free-throw line," O'Neal said. "I
would have had to have a lot of three-second [violations] not called, I woul
d have to have a lot of easy points, and I would have to have no double or t
riple teams to have a chance."
作者: peanut910013 (123)   2021-03-02 12:19:00
欧肥看不起皇帝 建议永桶
作者: swingingbear (Bear~XD)   2021-03-02 12:26:00
curry 反而不可能 他被包后的得分能力是断崖式下降
作者: coolhidekimo (take)   2021-03-02 12:27:00
LBJ就不刷分的 不然怎么总得分还差第一名那么多
作者: www456789789 (马铃)   2021-03-02 12:31:00
作者: Playonenight (哇某尬意琼瑶)   2021-03-02 12:47:00
笑死 数学死了吗 你知道2分命中率要差多少才能跟3分比吗你拿LBJ60分来讲 你要不要看看他命中率是多少他那季三分破四成 结果你说外线不好?
作者: alex0203cool (Alex)   2021-03-02 12:58:00
作者: forever920fv (7916521523)   2021-03-02 13:03:00
Beal Lillard也很有机会 这纪录还得对手够强不被打爆
作者: silentsky555 (寂寞天空)   2021-03-02 13:22:00
老大那天81分FG 28/46 三分7/13 罚球18/20 以前火箭哈登有机会 但现在他主控且不买了
作者: greenhistory (蔡青史)   2021-03-02 13:23:00
作者: silentsky555 (寂寞天空)   2021-03-02 13:28:00
想拿81分除了无限开火权以外 三分不能太差罚球数要稳定 姆斯年轻时没外线加上罚球机会不多 所以自始至终都没机会
作者: performance6 (杰)   2021-03-02 17:39:00
姆迷在急什么啦 笑死ㄏ

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