pneumo (超☆冒险盖)
2021-02-25 11:22:12来源: People
网址: https://tinyurl.com/5adk3vu7
Russell Westbrook Is Opening Middle and High Schools in L.A.: I 'Want to
Inspire and Empower'
Russell Westbrook要在洛杉矶设立初中跟高中:“我希望可以去启发跟给予人们能力。”
Russell Westbrook's newest venture? Schoolboard member!
The Washington Wizards player, 32, has teamed up with L.A. Promise Fund to
launch the Russell Westbrook Why Not? Academy, consisting of a middle school
and a high school in Los Angeles.
这位32岁的巫师球员与洛杉矶的Promise基金会合作,要启动龟龟的"Why Not?"学院计画,
The purpose of the schools is "to create better access to educational and
outdoor opportunities for children and the community at large in South L.A."
In a statement to PEOPLE, Westbrook says he's "excited" about the initiative,
explaining, "I've realized through the work with my [Why Not? Foundation] how
often schools in underserved communities lack the resources and funding
needed to support their students."
"I not only want to inspire and empower these students but I want to help
provide the essential and necessary resources to set them up for success
beyond the classroom," he adds.