If you’re still confused about Kevin Durant’s weird Friday night, the NBA
has released a statement on the matter in an attempt to provide some clarity:
“Kevin Durant has tested negative three times in the last 24 hours,
including two negative PCR tests today. However, someone he interacted with
this afternoon subsequently had an inconclusive test result return shortly
before the game. Durant was initially held out of the game while that result
was being reviewed. Under the league’s health and safety protocols, we do
not require a player to be quarantined until a close contact has a confirmed
positive test.
“During the game, a positive result was returned for the person Durant
interacted with this afternoon. Once that test was confirmed positive, out of
an abundance of caution, Durant was removed from the game , and contact
tracing is underway to determine if he was in fact a close contact of the
positive individual.”
Steve Nash said on a Zoom call with reporters after Friday’s loss that he
doesn’t expect Durant will travel to Philly, but that has not been decided.
虽然 KD 检验结果都是阴性, 但他有接触到检验结果不明的人士,
Nash 表示: KD 目前看来可能不会前往费城打下一场对七六人的比赛 (还不确定)