Sixers’ Joel Embiid takes huge swipe at Rudy Gobert over All-NBA snub
by Michael CorvoDecember 23, 2020
Philadelphia 76ers center Joel Embiid was passed over for the All-NBA teams
in 2019-20, after two consecutive years as a Second Team selection. Anthony
Davis and Nikola Jokic were chosen for the First and Second teams,
respectively, while Utah Jazz center Rudy Gobert earned a nod on the Third
Team over the Sixers’ big man.
容,2019-2020的年度最佳阵容第一队是AD,第二队是Joker,第三队则由爵士的Rudy Go
Apparently, the Sixers’ center still hasn’t gotten over it.
Speaking to ESPN’s Jackie MacMullan, Embiid was frank when expressing his
disagreement with Gobert’s selection.
在被ESPN记者Jackie MacMullan访问时,Embiid直率地回答他的感受
“I agree that Anthony Davis had a better season than me. [Nikola] Jokic? That
’s debatable. But Rudy Gobert? No offense, but he [averaged] 15 [points] and
13 [rebounds] and I had my 23 and 12, and that’s kind of a big difference. I
think my numbers were better. But people didn’t want to vote for me because
our team didn’t do well.”
我同意AD上季的确比我强,Jokic ? ㄜ 这倒是值得讨论一下,但是Rudy Gobert? 不是对
“That’s OK, because I will use it to motivate me so there is no chance that
anyone can make that mistake again,” he told MacMullan.
"然而没关系,我会借此激励我,让别人没机会再犯错了" Embiid告诉记者
Embiid VS Gobert 选谁? @@
作者: ParkMinYang5 (minyoungboy) 2020-12-24 22:30:00
jokic 屌打妳有什么好讨论的 妳就金笔一枝
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow) 2020-12-24 22:40:00
Embiid: No offense, but he is suck bro
事实上狗贝场上影响力根本不会比铅笔低 对联盟的影响力更是海放
JOKER带队西决 狗贝一轮打抢七 你东区一轮横扫 这排名我看是挺合理的
作者: Utopiasphere 2020-12-24 23:56:00
头号染疫者是不好说 但是金块肥宅吊打金笔不知道几条街 也在季后赛证明过自己的实力 金笔拿什么出来探讨?自己队上战绩不理想 季后赛没有亮眼表现…有啦有一张哭哭梗图啦
铅笔我只记得打暴龙系列赛FG 37%...上季打青赛一轮系列也是45.9%而已阿肥上季三个系列赛FG%通通50%以上