[情报] 教练穿着&口罩规定

楼主: LuckyoPuppy (LuckyPuppy)   2020-12-09 09:03:32
NBA coaches are no longer required to wear a sports coats during games, sources tell @ZachLowe_NBA and me. Coaches must wear business attire (no track pants during games). Coaches must wear facemasks during games, sources said.
Coaches must wear masks at all times with limited exceptions when at team facilities or arena, during team travel and during practices and games, sources tell ESPN.
The NBA and NBCA also agreed to continue the practice of more casual game
attire, no longer requiring coaches to wear sports jackets, sources said.
Coaches voted more than 2-to-1, sources said, to allow for wearing polo
shirts in games, sources said. Coaches must wear business attire, such as
dress shirts, pants, socks and shoes, sources said. Polo shirts count as a
dress shirt. The NBA will disallow sweat-pants and jogging pants.
1. 西装外套:可不穿
2. Polo衫:ok
3. 运动服:不ok
作者: driftcreator (小雷)   2020-12-09 11:09:00
英文理解错误。这讲的是教练可以不用着西装外套开放商务休闲服装(如Polo衫+卡其),但运动裤NGContext. Zach Lowe刊了完整文章, 去翻翻吧

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