wwf1588 (草爷)
2020-12-02 23:14:20LBJ祝福前队友Green Rondo Dwight mcgee cook
I gotta gaive shout out to Danny green Rajon rondo Dwight howard
Javale mcgee Quinn cook.
我必须向Danny green、Rajon rondo、Dwight howard、Javale mcgee、Quinn cook致敬.
LBJ:shut up, Kuz just out an ad yesterday too about
yeah so you know Dwight howard Javale mcgee Rajon rondo Danny green Quinn cook,obviously we dont't win a championship
所以你知道的少了Dwight howard、Javale mcgee、Rajon rondo、Danny green、Quinn cook 我们就不会夺冠
Rj to but being a part of a championship ball club no matter if you play zero minutes or you're 30、40 minutes,that all ties one because we all challenge each other every day and there's times where the vets don't want to practice where those guys who havent't played they have to practice and keep it going,so i wish rj welding atlanta Dwight and Dann and philly Javale back in cleveland, and Quinn i mean he's a pro he's going to find another person he's definitely going to get us a look ,hopefully back
with us we still have two roster spots hopefully we may bring him back to cook.
RJ你身为我的冠军成员也知道,无论你出战0分钟还是30、40分钟,那都是一体的。 因为我们每天都挑战彼此。 有时老将不会训练,但那些之前没有上场的球员会继续训练。 因此,我祝福Rajon在亚特兰大过得很好,Dwight和Dann在费城顺利,Javale回了克里夫兰,还有Quinn,他是一个职业球员,他会找到机会的,希望我们能签回他,我们还有两个空余阵容名额,也许我们可以签回他。
those guys much respct love those guys when you win a championship whit a group it goes on forever you could talk about it for the rest of your life.
我向这些家伙致敬,对他们充满爱意。 当你和一伙人赢得冠军,那将是永恒延续的事蹟,你可以在你的余生都讨论这件事。