kairiyu (E N O U G H is enough)
2020-11-20 14:56:28※ 引述《ivo88114 (老鼠手)》之铭言:
: 补一下细节 好像还没看到人Po
: https://reurl.cc/Kjz65j
: In addition to acquiring Luke Kennard, Clippers got Detroit center Justin Patton, rights to Jayden Scrubb (Nets 55th overall pick) and four second-round draft picks (Portland 2023, Detroit 2024, 2025, 2026). They traded Landry Shamet, 57th pick and Rodney McGruder.
: 快艇获得Luke Kennard Justin Patton 55号签(拿来选Jayden Scrubb) 还有4个二轮签
: 他们交易了 Landry Shamet, Rodney McGruder
: 还有57号签(选Reggie Perry 交易给篮网)
: 这是三方交易喔 怕有人误会
: 篮网拿Shamet 57号签
: 快艇拿 Luke Kennard Justin Patton 55号签 还有4个二轮签
: 活塞拿到McGruder跟今年19号签