东区 060708091011121314151617181920 东区
热火 W 1-0
赛提 L LWW W WW 5-2 赛提:遇过最多次东区球队
暴龙 WWW 3-0
溜马 WWW WW 5-0 溜马:最多胜0败
老鹰 W WW 3-0
活塞 LW W W 3-1
公牛 WW W W 4-0
篮网 W W 2-0
黄蜂 W 1-0
公鹿 W 1-0
尼克 W 1-0
76人 W 1-0
魔术 L 0-1 魔术:对决过中唯一没赢过东区球队
巫师 WWW 3-0
骑士 0-0 骑士:唯一没遇过东区球队
西区 060708091011121314151617181920 西区
金块 W 1-0
火箭 W 1-0
拓荒 W 1-0
勇士 LWLL 1-3
马刺 L WL 1-2
雷霆 W 1-0
小牛 L 0-1
※ 引述《linkevinlin (KeBin)》之铭言:
: LeBron James is undefeated against Eastern Conference Teams in the Playoffs
: since 2010
: This is the continuation of this post
: LeBron James is now 39-4 (0.907) against Eastern Conference Teams in the
: Playoffs. His loses came against:
: Detroit Pistons in 2006 (lost the Series 3-4)
: Boston Celtics in 2008 (lost the Series 3-4)
: Orlando Magic in 2009 (lost the Series 2-4)
: Boston Celtics in 2010 (lost the Series 2-4)
: After his loss against the Celtics, he followed it up with a record of 104-29
: (0.782) and 26 straight playoff series wins. His overall record in the
: Playoffs is now 172-88 (0.662).
: As a comparison: The Franchise of the LA Clippers (former known as Buffalo
: Braves and San Diego Clippers) won 6 Playoff series, in their whole existence.
: https://0rz.tw/ACl99