Re: [新闻] 湖人用2年520万美元续约Rondo

楼主: claus (La Jolla)   2020-10-15 11:48:38
What we know and don't know ahead of the draft, free agency and the start of
the 2020-21 NBA season
Brian Windhorst
ESPN Senior Writer
Teams are currently not allowed to sign players to an extension, waive
players under contract and, most importantly, conduct trades with another
team (or teams). Expect the transaction window to get lifted once there is an
agreement on the aforementioned CBA with the players.
There is much unknown to the offseason but one thing team executives
confirmed to ESPN is that the transaction moratorium will be lifted before
the draft.
※ 引述《pneumo (超☆冒险盖)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《stud0361411 (呆普森)》之铭言:
: : NBA/等不及准备卫冕 湖人用2年520万美元留下冠军控卫
: : NOWnews 今日新闻
: : 发布于 18小时前 ‧ 记者黄建霖/综合报导
: : 根据《ESPN》记者Adrian Wojnarowski报导,刚刚夺下2020年NBA总冠军的湖人,在季后
: 就如同那篇底下很多人都已经讲了,沃神推特根本没有讲到豆总续约的事情。
: 目前的外电消息大概是说豆总会跳出合约,我节录一部分
: In a report by Chris Sheridan of, a source revealed that
: Rondo will exercise the player option of his contract to test out the
: free-agent market. His player option is worth $2.96 million for the 2020-21
: season.
: 在Chris Sheridan的文章中,消息来源透露说豆总会执行球员选择权,决定跳出合约,投
: 入FA市场。他的球员选择权在2020-21赛季可以拿到296万镁。
: Rajon Rondo will opt out of his contract with the Los Angeles Lakers to
: become an unrestricted free agent, learned on Thursday.
: 星期四消息来源得知,豆总会选择跳出合约,成为FA。
: “He’s definitely opting out,” a league source said.
: “他一定会跳出的,”联盟消息来源说。
: 建霖丑一

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