[外絮] KD认为MVP也要考虑季后赛

楼主: arrfu (观光客)   2020-09-21 18:56:20
With the Milwaukee Bucks failing to make the Eastern Conference Finals this season — losing in five games to the Miami Heat — Giannis Antetokounmpo being named the 2020 MVP didn’t sit well with some.
Especially with the way LeBron James has played for the Los Angeles Lakers throughout their playoff run, which has carried them into the Western Conference Finals were they currently old a 1-0 series lead over the Denver Nuggets (even though everyone knows postseason numbers don’t count toward the regular season honor).
Kevin Durant, who won the 2014 MVP while with the Oklahoma City Thunder, was asked about Antetokounmpo beating out James during the Brooklyn Nets superstar’s appearance onhe Joe Budden Podcast.
Kevin Durant在效力雷霆期间拿下2014年度MVP,在"The Joe Budden Podcast"这节目上被问到字母哥击败LBJ拿下MVP的看法。
After asking Budden why he didn’t like the selection, Durant weighed in:
The criteria is the regular season, but I understand. I feel the same way you feel. I think that they should evaluate the whole season, playoffs included. If you include the playoffs, the Bron is easily the MVP. But I see why, with the rules now, why Giannis was the MVP. His numbers [were] crazy.
作者: slowsoul1998 (slowsoul1998)   2020-09-21 18:59:00
好像也不是不行 fmvp只有含总冠
作者: tainancousin (台南婊哥)   2020-09-21 18:59:00
有些人打两轮 有些人打到冠军赛 很难评断
作者: gjlcky098875 (Condolence)   2020-09-21 19:01:00
作者: Usayhiisayha (yousayhiisaywow)   2020-09-21 19:08:00
其实就是联盟要捧字母才晚颁 谁知只是二轮仔
作者: qazwsx855193   2020-09-21 19:13:00
推 同觉得要有季后赛mvp
作者: encorej77107   2020-09-21 19:15:00
有时候可能真的状态差或是受伤导致打不好但是字母就是完全被看破手脚 连续2年没进步0技术的MVP 真的还蛮丢脸的明年字母又再刷 公鹿又爽爽再东区 MVP以后就变笑话了
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow)   2020-09-21 19:25:00
FMVP改成季后赛MVP觉得结果不会差太多欸... 毕竟多半还是会选冠军队主将姆斯才三冠怎么拿八个......我反而觉得例行赛MVP给例行赛战绩第一的球队的主将就好 没有投票就没有争议全联盟战绩第一也很能代表实力不然只有数据高战绩差的话还不是被嘴刷子
作者: nickalex8689 (阿赛师)   2020-09-21 19:32:00
近几年MVP就是刷出来的啊 龟龟 登登 字母哥 哪个人在季后赛有走进总冠过 更不要说龟龟和字母哥在防守升级、不让人刷数据的季后赛打成什么样子不过MVP本来就是颁给季赛对球队贡献最大的球员 而不是联盟实质上最强的球员 所以颁给战绩第一 “数据”最漂亮的字母哥其实也不用有什么争议吧 毕竟是叫most valuable player 而不是best player
作者: hijodedios36 (boyoung)   2020-09-21 19:36:00
连季后赛都算的话 kd也比较好拿mvp
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow)   2020-09-21 19:37:00
字母 哈登全联盟战绩第一拿MVP都被说成刷子的话 战绩没第一拿MVP的算什么?
作者: AnnHeeYung77 (ChuchuHaNi)   2020-09-21 20:00:00
作者: KingChang711 (十二星超级上将)   2020-09-21 20:14:00
作者: aasaasaas947 (unhappy)   2020-09-21 20:55:00
作者: LiamMcMorrow (李恩)   2020-09-22 00:13:00
作者: ABuJiuHaoBun (新资料夹(2))   2020-09-22 01:44:00
事实就是龟 登 字母连总冠地板都摸不到 这奖项变质一段时间了

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